How long have you lived in Peckham/East Dulwich?
I have lived at my current address on Adys Road for 24 years. Before that I lived in Kennington and for a number of years in Australia.
I really enjoy the amazing array of facilities, restaurants, bars and open spaces we have on our doorstep. My children have grown up in a very secure and happy environment, enjoying all that the area, good schools and being so close to town offers.
The area has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so. Many aspects are for the better, but equally some of the divisions in our community are more apparent.
What originally brought you here and where are you from originally?
I grew up in Streatham after being born in Deptford at a hospital that no longer exists.
I moved from Kennington to buy my first property on Dunstans Road, which was a fab little 2 bed with a shared garden. When I got married, we moved to Adys Road for more space and with a plan for a comfortable family home. Both my husband and I are only children, so the need to establish a good and secure foundation was really important.
What does the role of Parish Administrator involve?
Like most admin jobs there are daily tasks and activities that repeat, but as this role is within a new sector for me, I am learning lots. The role of the administrator is a support role, but very important as the contact point for the church. I am enjoying the engagement with the community, learning about the workings of the church and being back in an office environment.
What are you particularly looking forward to in the new role?
I have only done part-time roles in recent years, whilst bringing up my two children, Greta and Joshua. I am very happy to have a different routine and one that gets me back out in the work and business world.
At my interview, I was asked by Revd Gill and Jim Nurton what I would look forward to and I got a little over-excited when saying, “Happy events, Weddings and Baptisms!” I have been lucky enough to already have helped at a couple so far and seeing peoples’ joy is fantastic.
What are some of the things you've had to deal with so far?
A lot of paperwork! Learning how to operate sound systems and microphones. Scheduling events and Goose Green Centre users. Trying to remember the names of so many people and organisations that are linked with a busy church and the Dulwich Deanery.
How would you describe the role of St John's for the local community?
Vital in so many ways. Revd Gill and the team of clergy along with the PCC perform an amazing role in the community, through Mass, online and physical communication, coffee mornings, Lunch club, musical events, etc….
The divide in the local community is quite hidden to the majority of locals. I have already in my first six weeks been exposed to a number of vulnerable and struggling people, but the church engagement has been a very positive and reassuring role.
What other roles/activities have you been involved in, in the local area?
When my children were younger and the use of Goose Green and its playground was vital, I became involved with the setup of the Friends of Goose Green (FOGG). That was a very rewarding experience and has left a legacy for those children who now get to enjoy the updated playground.
The experience of fund raising and engagement with Southwark and the community was excellent. Sadly FoGG no longer exists, but I am sure if the need arises again more people will step up.
I have also worked part time at St John’s and St Clement’s primary school and Highshore SEN secondary school in a number of roles.
Can you tell us a few things about yourself?
I don’t really have hobbies or favourite things, all food is good. All activity in many forms is great. We have two border terriers, Cookie & Lizzie, so lots of walking and we have a family home in Broadstairs which is often a great escape destination.
I would say my favourite activity is travelling, which has been very curtailed in these recent challenging times. My 15 year old son and I have travelled to a different city each February half term since he was 10 to see different football teams. This has been fantastic and hopefully we will get to Paris in 2022 to see Paris Saint-Germain and also visit some relatives. Pray for us to get there…
Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcomed into the St John’s community.
Vicar Revd Gill O’Neill 020 7564 0058, 07958 592 425,
Curate Revd Gemma Birt
Assistant Priests Revd Anne Clarke and Revd Alistair McCulloch
Parish Administrator Denise Fulgoni 020 8693 3897,
Churchwardens Jim Nurton 07765 881 556 and Julie Whitney 07786 686 385
Parish Safeguarding Officer Tina Hampson (contact via Parish Administrator)
PCC Secretary Christine Camplin
PCC Treasurer Sarah Goudge
Stewardship Martin Howell
Director of Music John Webber
Electoral Roll Officer Bradley Collins
Church Flowers Sally Gross
Goose Green Centre Bradley Collins
Editors of The Gander Christine Camplin, Jim Nurton, Tayo Olatunde and Sue O'Neill
(Contact each of the above via Parish Administrator)
Twitter: @StJohnsEDulwich
St John's & St Clement's C of E Primary School, Adys Road, London SE15 4DY, 020 7525 9210
The views expressed in The Gander are not necessarily those of the Editors, Vicar or PCC.
Magazine deadline
Notices and items or articles for possible inclusion in the next issue of The Gander must be with the Editors by the 15th of the preceding month. Please contact the team in person or by email to the Parish Administrator with any questions.