Revd Gemma's Lebkuchen recipe
Lebkuchen is a famous German Advent and Christmas cookie that is a little bit like gingerbread, gingercake and parkin combined.
Here is a simple recipe that I have found and translated from the German website Backen mit Christina. Give it a try and let me know what you think. (The picture is taken from www.backenmitchristina.)
Vicar Revd Gill O’Neill 07958 592 425,
Curate Revd Gemma Birt
Assistant Priests Revd Anne Clarke , Revd Alistair McCulloch and Revd Rosemary Shaw
Parish Administrator Denise Fulgoni 020 8693 3897,
Churchwardens Tayo Olatunde 07908 679 407 and Julie Whitney 07786 686 385
Parish Safeguarding Officer Mary Dawson (contact via Parish Administrator)
PCC Secretary Christine Camplin
PCC Treasurer Sarah Goudge
Stewardship Martin Howell
Director of Music John Webber
Electoral Roll Officer Denise Fulgoni
Church Flowers Sally Gross
Goose Green Centre Denise Fulgoni
Editors of The Gander Christine Camplin, Jim Nurton, Tayo Olatunde and Dorothy Oxley
(Contact each of the above via Parish Administrator)
Twitter: @StJohnsEDulwich
St John's & St Clement's C of E Primary School, Adys Road, London SE15 4DY, 020 7525 9210
The views expressed in The Gander are not necessarily those of the Editors, Vicar or PCC.
Magazine deadline
Notices and items or articles for possible inclusion in the next issue of The Gander must be with the Editors by the 15th of the preceding month. Please contact the team in person or by email to the Parish Administrator with any questions.